Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Move Bees/Harvest Time

Category : Uncategorized

Its time to move mason bee tubes into your sheds/garages. This is done to protect them from wind/rain and hungry winter critters. You can also harvest your bees (take them out of the tubes). Here is an instructional video to demonstrate the harvesting process.

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¡Los abejas son activos!

Category : Uncategorized

Nuestras abejas están activos debido al tiempo caliente.

Aquí esta un abeja mason saliendo de su tubo.


Ellos no muevan tan rápido porque estaban durmiendo para el invierno.

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Our bees are very busy!

Category : Uncategorized

With the warm sunny weather these past few days, our bees have emerged and are buzzing!

Bee Sticking her/his head out of the tube.


They move pretty slow in the first few days after they start to emerge

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Hotel Mason- Noticias Canadiense

Category : Uncategorized

Aqui esta un artículo sobre 21 casas de abejas solitarias nuevas que estan en differentes lugares en Canadá. Los hoteles estan hecho con materias reciclados por un grupo que se llama “Pollinator Partnership Canada”. Sería genial si los estados unidos pudieran empezar un proyecto como eso para promocver las vidas de los abejas solitarias.


‘Bee hotels’ spread across Canada

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Bee Hotel- Canadian News

Category : Uncategorized

Here’s an interesting article about 21 new solitary bee houses that have shown up all over Canada. The “hotels” are made with recycled materials by a group called Pollinator Partnership Canada. It would be really cool if the US could start a program that promotes solitary bee life.


Here is the article if you want to take a look

‘Bee hotels’ spread across Canada